Thursday, April 18, 2019


Here’s the full report.   City St. Paul All DFL   Collusion,Complicit vs Citizens of St. Paul, via Badly Written Ordinances  Influenced by DFL Chair Tom Perez, former AsstAG,Hud,Labor in the USSC10-1032 Titled Magner vs. Gallagher Theft by Swindle complicit with Muslin Keith Ellison now MNAG.
Special counsel Mueller’s report has been released to the public — read key findings here
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DFL CollusionCitySt.PaulTomPerez
Some other key findings:

Alisa Lein shared a link.
Admin · 2 hrs
Take the time to watch this council public hearing from April 17 regarding proposed Ord 19-18. Fast forward in the video to 1:42:40.
The council votes on April 24. If one of them votes "no", this will fail. They need to hear your story. Contact ALL 7 wards today. Thank you "trash resisters" who spoke up already on this. This is not only about animal control or bad landlords, it impacts the trash ordinances too.


  • Alisa Lein
    Alisa Lein,,,
    See More

  • Sharon Anderson
    Sharon Anderson Watched on Channel 18, it appeared that Jane Prince may Vote No also Penaltys with 4/5 Interest illegal, without Valid Complaints or Canons of Construction to Clarify Written Ordinance, Further City Attorneys represent the Council,Mayor and not the CitSee More
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                                             VIDEOS ARE GREAT wish you had more with your case

Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella 651-776-5835
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